Choose The Best Plan For You

We offer you 3 plans to choose from, all according to your taste and needs.



Basic package to enjoy a few days in Peru

  • 7 Days / 6 Nights
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • 1 Guide
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Business package to enjoy 1 month in Peru

  • 30 Days / 29 Nights
  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • 3 Guide
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Frequently Ask Questions


  • Is a visa required to enter Peru?

    It is not necessary for citizens of most countries of America and Western Europe. Citizens of Bolivia, Ecuador and Chile do not need a passport or visa to enter certain regions of Peru. Check with the Peruvian diplomatic representation in your country for more information. Addresses and telephone numbers are included on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru: If you enter for tourist reasons, the authorized period of stay is 90 days (extendable by the immigration authority). The traveler must carry a valid passport or safe-conduct issued by the Peruvian immigration authority.

  • Is it safe to tour Peru?

    Obviously we will say yes, but with a firm foundation in reality we know that you have seen on the news, read on websites or in the newspaper about terrorism, crime and political and economic instability. But we also know that many years ago we defeated terrorism, we live in peace and we are working very hard to build a democratic and stable country. The only thing all travelers will have to do, we assure you, is to take the precautions they normally take when traveling to any other tourist destination.

  • Are there services for tourists with disabilities in Peru?

    In Peru we believe in the concept of "Tourism for all" and various public and private entities have been working for several years in the task of preparing their services for people with disabilities. We recommend contacting the service providers before your visit, to be sure they can meet your needs.

  • Do I need to speak Spanish to travel in Peru?

    The answer is no. Without knowing how to speak Spanish you can travel all over Peru and visit as many places as you want, from the best known to the least crowded. In addition, most tourist sites have guides trained to speak English, a language with which most tourists communicate.

  • Is it expensive to travel in Peru?

    Traveling in Peru is not expensive if you decide to save. You can travel by bus to the destinations you want to visit, buy your breakfasts and lunches at local markets (where you wont miss the best local cuisine). In addition, you can also make advance reservations at the hotel where you will stay to avoid high seasons and prices. If you have a small budget, you can stay in tourist accommodations with shared rooms.

  • Are vaccinations required when traveling in Peru?

    The only compulsory vaccination is against yellow fever for travelers going to jungle areas below 2300 meters above sea level. That is, for those who travel to the cities of the Amazon, Loreto, Ucayali, Madre Dios, among others. In addition, the Ministry of Health of Peru also recommends vaccination against Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and malaria. These diseases can have serious consequences if they are not treated in time.


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